Thursday, December 14, 2006

Liberal Christmas Party Fun!

The Liberal Caucus Christmas party was held last night and it was absolutely amazing! Monsieur Dion made his way throughout the room mingling about, posing for pictures with everyone and I think a lot of people were still 'star-struck' by his presence; Mr. Kennedy was dancing the place up - and he is pretty good if I do say so myself - he lasted as long as I did up there! Mr. Ignatieff was up on the dance floor with wife Szusanna doing the twist- and fairly well at that, I was impressed to see Iggy getting "iggy with it" for real! Hall-Findlay joined us along with Kennedy over at Wall Stones for the after party as well. It looked like the Liberal party was back together - "tous Emsemble" having the good time that we always do. If you were there it was fun to watch all the ex-candidates let loose and dance it up with the rest of us on the floor - they are phenomenal people!

I noticed a lot of familiar faces that I met at the convention in Montreal and it was great to see so many Liberals once again together sharing all their stories.


Anonymous said...

I hope photos were taken - and if good and happy and united - put out for the world to see (Liberal website or something).

I would be good for people to see them having fun and being like regular folks.

Just another Liberal said...

There were photographers there taking pics of the people on the dance floor - so I assume they caught the big guys! I unfortunately didnt get a chance to bring my camera - but I am sure there will be pics posted of the night.

I agree, it is something people should see. They really are just regular people too and good people at that.

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