So Mr. Bevilacqua is the first to drop out of the Liberal Leadership Race. Delcaring support for Candidate Bob Rae though is not something I would have seen him doing.
The number one reason being thrown around for his decision to drop out is money and his lack of it. Which is understandable but given his choice of candidate to support I think that there may have been more to the decision then meets the eye. Perhaps some background work that went on? But I am on the outside so I cant speculate any further on that presumption, but I will say e that I still don't think Rae will be able to obtain the amount of support he is going to need to win this thing. Not that I ever thought he would be able to given his unpopularity in Ontario. Bevilacqua's people may add a few numbers but Rae still won't be able to win because of Ontario.
So in the end I dont think Maurizio's support will really add much to Rae's campaign. Bevilacqua never had a chance to win, I think that is obvious, and he made a decision that I think others will be making as well. But he is a good speaker and a smart man so I wouldn't mind seeing him move up in the party.
Just some general thoughts...
I guess it takes a Left AND a Right Wing for the Bob Rae Campaign to fly!
evidently so. Well according to Mr. Bevilacqua thats how it works.
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