Friday, October 13, 2006

Ignatieff's Defends Liberals Against Harper - Israel-Hezbollah

Michael Ignatieff, during his speech at U of T dismisses Harper's accusations that he or any Liberals or Liberal Candidates are Anti-Israel. As I watched a Ignatieff speak from U of T I was thoroughly impressed with his clarity as he defended himself and the party. He pointed out the obvious point that Mr. Harper sees things in only black and white; there is no grey area for him. A point that Ken Dryen equally agreed with. There is always grey in politics; divisive action is not healthy for anyone, no matter which party they relate with.

I am appauled, but not shocked, that Harper said the things that he said. It is repulsive to have the Prime Minister of our country make erroneous accusations about any memeber of the legislature; especially when he knows full well that the Israel-Hezbollah conflict was anything but black and white. There were "war crimes" from both sides - says Ignatieff- but saying that does not denounce any of the members involved in the conflict. Ignatieff's comments were deemed controversial by many, even some of the other leadership candidates, but they were logical, honest, reflective and progressive. There was no rhetoric in his statement about Israel, and there was no attempt to decieve people about his views. And with that, his views are most certainly not Anti-Israel and he did a fantastic job of pressing that point during his speech today.

It's upsetting that Harper is compelled to divide the country for his own political gain; that's not something any Canadian should stand by. And on that note, I was very impressed with Ken Dryden's perception of the situation. He was calm, collective and dealt with the direct issue facing the Liberals after Harper's claims. He did not attempt to criticize other Liberal Leadership contenders, nor did he resort to simply pointing the finger at Harper.

We all know that Liberals are not Anti-Israel; we know that none of the candidates for leaderhship are Anti-israel. However, we also know that it has been said, but the response from Ignatieff directly to Harper was phenomenal; I couldnt have said it better myself. I think Harper needs a lesson in leadership and unity.

In terms of the leadership race itself now: Does Ken Dryden's comments show any leanings on which candidate he will support at the convention? Does the fact that he answered to the accusations from Harper in the same way Ignatieff did, indirectly put him in line with Ignatieff's thinking?


Anonymous said...

Yes - I agree. Liberals embrace the "grey" area, the nuances, the on the fence and don't really make any decisions until we can get the Liberal media to run a poll and then only make a decision that the polls say we should. Much much safer. After all, if you don't really make any clear decisions you can't be accused of making a bad one, right?
By the way, Iggy is going to be accepting a free trip from a Jewish group to go to Israel? I guess he should do this trip before the Liberal Senate is finally forced to release the Accountability Act. Or is Iggy used to accepting travel and perks from special interest groups? He has some interesting dillemas, not the least being that Canadians do not like being lectured from someone who says "I've been there, done that and therefore I am smarter than you." Invoking images of Trudeau is also the kiss of death. We are still licking our wounds over the socialist policies that CAUSED many of our horrible problems and poverty today. Go Iggy.

Anonymous said...

the first comment by 'neo-conservative' is Islamophobic and hate-filled. A Taliban suicide bomber attacked NATO forces and killed 8 civilians. That's pretty much all there is to it.

In the last week a Christian killed 7 Amish girls (another Christian sect) in USA. We don't say 'Religion of Cross' claims 7 kids.

*shaking head in disgust*

- Mezba

Just another Liberal said...


While I appreciate your opinions, I cant say that I understand exactly what they are? It's quite easy to discern your sarcasm about the issue, which is probably based on good reasons, but I dont see what point you are trying to get across. I presume you are a Conservative, given that you referenced the Accountability Act and made claim that social policies have caused horrible problems in Canada. However, Ignatieff is most certainly not the type to 'sit on the fence' about an issue and has never shy'd away from tough issues; even when they are deemed "controversial". He is always prepared to explain and account for his decisions and his words, which he showed in his speech at U of T today.

I dont think Canada needs to follow in the footsteps of the Americans and make claim that'you are either with us or against us' (as Harper has done). Thats not the kind of attitude Liberals take and its not one that Canadians need. The PM represents the whole of Canada and in his role he has the responsibility to work in the best interest of all the people, not just the people who voted with him and share the same ideas (I have paraphrased Ignatieff's speaking points about the issue and give credit to him for making them).

Just another Liberal said...

In terms of 'Martyrism' I reject any notion that religious war is anything but a vicious attack on real human lives. And saying that, there is no room for isolation of any religious group on its own for attacks at hand today.

It is a much more complicated issue than that.