Thursday, March 01, 2007

Its been while but...

So it has been awhile since I have blogged. Not intentionally though. In addition to the busyness that has been going on in my world, I don't feel as if there was much to blog about in terms about federal politics. I mean of course there were the recent developments such as Graham leaving us, Harper making his jab at Bains (which I was definetely upset about), Trudeau finding his way into a riding to seek nomination in Papineau, and the who can forget the recent terrorism legislation issue being reject by the house. Of all these things though, I wonder if Trudeau will win the nomination and if so, will he win the seat there for Liberals? I dont know, Quebeker's dont generally have the best feelings towards him because of his apparant arrogance.

It was sad to see Graham leave, but for him I am sure it was a good decision.

I can't help but hope an election does not occur this spring. I think we need a little more time with Dion as the opposition to help people get to know him more. I still think he is viewed by the general population of voters as just another guy, who, against Harper, doesn't appear as much more than a small voice.

I think Dion is a neutral figure right now. He was a neutral figure that everyone at the convention could handle as leader - but there wasn't huge emotion either way about him. And I think that lack of passion is a set back and we are seeing the result of having a leader that is viewed by most Liberals as okay. Sure he can do the job, sure he is a smart man, sure he is a great Liberal MP, but can if he cant instill much passion in Liberal, its hard to see how he will be able to instill passion in Canadian voters. I dont think I am saying anything that anyone can really disagree with. He just doesn't really have that charisma that draws people's attention.

I'll be sure to post more frequently - for now I hope all you Liberals are doing great.

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